
Bye's First Law Of Model RailRoading:

Anytime you wish to demonstrate something the number of faults is proportional to the number of viewers.

Comins' Law:

People will accept your idea much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first.

Evvie Nef's Law:

There is a solution to every problem; the only difficulty is finding it.

Gordon's First Law:

If a research project is not worth doing, it is not worth doing well.

Harver's Law:

A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts.

Issawi's Law Of Frustration:

One cannot make an omelette without breaking a few eggs - but it is amazing how many eggs one can break without making a decent omelette.

Lubin's Law:

If another scientist thought your research was more important than his, he would drop what he was doing and do what you are doing.

Matsch's Law:

It is better to have a horrible ending than to have horrors without end.

Maugham's Law:

Only a mediocre person is always at his/her best.

Parson's Laws:

1) If you break a cup or plate,it will not be the one that was already chipped or cracked. 2) A place you want to get to is always just off the edge of the map you happen to have handy. 3) A meeting lasts at least 1.5 hours, however short the agenda.

Peter's Law Of Substitution:

Look after the molehills and the mountains will take care of themselves.

Otten's Law Of Testimony:

When a person says that,in the interest of saving time,he will summarize his prepared statement, he will talk only three times as long as if he had read the statement in the first place.

Potter's Law:

The amount of flak recieved on any subject is inversely proportional to the subject's true value.

Poulsen's Law:

When anything is used to its full potential, it will break.

Ryan's Law:

Make three correct guesses consecutively and you will establish yourself as an expert.

Scott's First Law:

No matter what goes wrong, it will probably look right.

Umbrella Law:

You will need three umbrellas; one to leave at the office, one to leave at home, and one to leave on the train / bus.

Unnamed Law:

If it happens, it must be possible.